BRNN>>„Belt and Road“-Nachrichtennetzwerk>>BRNN>>BRNN-Charter

Charter of the Belt and Road News Network

Montag, 13. September 2021 Quelle :

Chapter ⅠGENERAL PRINCIPLES (Articles 1-3)

Article 1

The Belt and Road News Network (hereinafter referred to as “BRNN”) is jointly established by media organizations from countries and regions involved in the Belt and Road Initiative, aiming to strengthen understanding, friendship and cooperation, and form a normalized mechanism for collaboration.

Article 2

To achieve shared growth through discussion and collaboration, BRNN shall adhere to the principles of mutual respect, equal consultation, mutual assistance and benefits, and voluntarism, as well as uphold the Silk Road spirit characterized by “peace and cooperation, openness and inclusiveness, mutual learning and mutual benefit.” BRNN will give full play to the media's social role, tap into the unique advantages of media in communication, and build an open, cooperative platform. BRNN is committed to facilitating policy coordination, facility connectivity, unimpeded trade, financial integration, and people-to-people bonds among countries and regions jointly building the Belt and Road. BRNN is also committed to turning the Belt and Road into a road of peace, prosperity, openness, green development, innovation and togetherness for different civilizations. BRNN promotes the development of international relations, better understanding and mutual trust among all countries involved, as well as cultural and friendly exchanges between the people who live there, and contributes to regional economic prosperity, world peace and development.

Article 3

The BRNN headquarters is located in Beijing, China.


Chapter Ⅱ PRIMARY FUNCTIONS (Articles 4-7)

Article 4

To build an open and cooperative platform. BRNN is committed to creating a platform for exchange and cooperation among media organizations of countries and regions involved in the Belt and Road Initiative, establishing operational mechanisms, and boosting project cooperation. BRNN shall enhance multilateral cooperation among its members, push forward the integration of resources, convergence of channels, combination of advantages, information aggregation, and marketing collaboration, as well as facilitate personnel exchanges, mutual assistance in reporting, content exchanges, technology exchanges, and mutual sharing of experiences. BRNN will set up a collaborative mechanism for sub-sectors such as photo and information, radio, audiovisual and documentary.

Article 5

To promote mutual assistance, collaboration and exchange. BRNN shall, on the basis of extensive consultations, organize mutual visits among its members for better understanding and cooperation. It shall hold media cooperation forums and dialogues under the theme of the Belt and Road Initiative, arrange activities such as joint reporting trips and award programs, and organize seminars, training workshops and programs. The purpose of these events is to promote dialogue and idea exchange, encourage media innovation, and to jointly combat the everyday challenges of the media industry.

Article 6

To carry out pragmatic cooperation in innovative ways. Based on respect and copyright protection, BRNN shall strengthen content cooperation exchange and information sharing among its members, following their agreement. Furthermore, BRNN shall establish a website and an aggregated platform for the distribution of news information, providing members with free content uploading and sharing services in text, image, audio and video mediums, and will thus facilitate their news content cooperation directly and conveniently. It will support and help media organizations to cooperate in areas such as page layout, channel creation, time swap, and news coverage. BRNN shall also deepen operational cooperation including exhibitions, filming co-production, copyright trading, and advertisement exchange to enhance practical cooperation, promote resource integration and achieve shared interests. The BRNN shall enhance technological collaboration, in such ways as carrying out themed activities, providing specific services, conducting cooperative research on big data and artificial intelligence, and improving technologies in the field of new media, especially the cutting-edge technologies of social media.

Article 7

To strengthen research on major issues. BRNN shall gather information, investigate, and conduct policy research on important, pressing and difficult issues relating to the joint construction of the Belt and Road Initiative. BRNN shall pool this wisdom and propose specific, constructive, and proactive suggestions on jointly building the Belt and Road, the purpose being to provide intellectual and public support for joint construction of the Belt and Road.


Chapter III Organization (Articles 8-13)

Article 8

BRNN membership. Members must meet the following requirements:

1. They must voluntarily join the Network;

2. They must support the Charter;

3. They must have certain influence in the country and region where they are located.

Article 9

The council of BRNN is responsible for making decisions on key issues regarding the development of BRNN. The council consists members worldwide and has a chair assumed by People’s Daily (China). The chair is responsible for convening council meetings and work coordination meetings. It shall also supervise and push forward the implementation of the major work of BRNN by means of communication and coordination activities. Each council shall have a term of two years.

Article 10

The secretariat of BRNN shall be the permanent office of BRNN. The secretariat is located at People's Daily, and is responsible for daily operations, fundraising, activity organization, and implementation of the decisions of the council.

Article 11

BRNN adopts an invitation system for membership and authorizes the secretariat to undertake the related work. The secretariat will invite media organizations that meet the membership requirements, and media organizations can join BRNN after submitting relevant application materials. The secretariat shall report the accession of new members to the council.

Article 12

Any member who wishes to withdraw from BRNN shall inform the secretariat in writing, at which point the secretariat will report to the council. If a member commits a serious violation of the Charter, the member may be removed by council vote.

Article 13

Members of BRNN are granted the following rights and obligations.

1. Members’ rights: Obtain various services provided by BRNN; participate in activities organized by BRNN, such as annual meetings and forums; receive materials from BRNN such as briefings; enjoy the freedom to join or withdraw from BRNN.

2. Members’ obligations: Comply with the Charter; actively participate in activities held by BRNN; protect the rights, interests and the reputation of BRNN.


Chapter Ⅳ Operational Mechanism (Articles 14-16)

Article 14

BRNN shall organize meetings every two years for members to enhance partnerships, and take measures to boost cooperation through consultation and discussion.

Article 15

BRNN shall hold the council meeting aperiodically, as needed, to study the major issues surrounding the development of BRNN. The council may propose relevant guiding initiatives for reference after consultations among the participating council members.

Article 16

BRNN provides the following services to its members:

1. Organize cooperation and exchange activities. BRNN shall organize visits among members and other visiting activities, annual meetings and forums for members, as well as the signing of bilateral and multilateral cooperative agreements.

2. Provide a news service platform. BRNN shall establish a website and a mobile platform for collecting and distributing information for members.

3. Promote resource sharing among members. BRNN shall build the Belt and Road database with open access to all members to provide news materials for members. BRNN shall facilitate copyright cooperation and the swap of advertisement resources among members.

4. Organize joint reporting trips. BRNN shall organize cross-border joint reporting trips themed on the Belt and Road for its members to enhance their communication strength and influence.

5. Design professional training programs. Based on common needs and choices of members, BRNN shall organize various training programs of different durations of time and different topics in different regions. The content may include news reporting, media convergence and technology.

6. Provide technological support for media. BRNN shall provide technological support in news coverage, media development, transformation and upgrading in line with the practical needs of members.

7. Set up Belt and Road media awards. BRNN shall set up the Belt and Road all-media prize with clear standards for selection and expert judges recommended by member media organizations through consultation to guarantee fairness. Strive to make it a global news award with international influence.

8. Provide other tailored and customized services according to Members’ needs.


Chapter V Supplementary Provisions (Articles 17-20)

Article 17

The charter shall take effect on the approval of the council.

Article 18

Any amendment to the Charter shall be decided by the council after discussion.

Article 19

The secretariat reserves the right of final interpretation of the Charter.

Article 20

The charter was originally written in Chinese, from which the English version has been translated. In case of any discrepancy between the Chinese and the English versions of the above Articles, the Chinese version shall prevail.